Page 65 - ILK Research Report 2020
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present project aims at bundling the existing contacts   study and research visits to the respective partner are
            and activities and putting them at the service of increa-  also planned. The project is based on the long-standing
            sing pollution awareness by means of waste reduction   history of cooperation between the ILK and the IIT Delhi.
            and recycling, utilisation of biologically based materials   An overarching goal of the DAAD and the UGC is to net-
            as well as return to design solutions allowing repair and   work all project partners funded under the IGP on both
            overhaul.The aim of the project is to help intensify co-  the Indian and German sides in order to facilitate an ex-
            operation between the two universities over the next four   change of experiences and to exploit possible synergies.
            years by intensifying partnership at the institutional level
            and developing and implementing innovative teaching
            and research profiles. In addition to curricular design,
            the planned activities include the implementation of sum-
            mer schools, workshops and conferences, and several

            Model project: Focus on the academic success of interna-
            tional students at the ILK

            As part of the DAAD funding initiative “STIBET II – Mod-  In concrete terms, the EDI:TUD project aims to provide
            ellprojekte zur Verbesserung der Willkommenskultur”,   international students with close support directly in their
            the ILK was positively evaluated in autumn 2020 for the   immediate everyday study environment throughout their
            project “Erfolgreich – Digital – Integriert: Studium an der   entire path to graduation, in order to avoid students drop-
            TU Dresden (EDI:TUD)”, which starts in January 2021. This   ping out, to shorten the overall duration of their studies,
            was the first time that the Technische Universität Dres-  to improve their study results and to facilitate their inte-
            den succeeded in participating in the STIBET programme,   gration into the TU Dresden. It relies heavily on the close
            which has been running since 2006. Due to its particu-  networking of German and international students. In ad-
            larly high proportion of international students, the ILK is   dition, international students are to be recruited as junior
            acting as a model location. In the course of the project,   academics for later doctoral projects while they are still
            approaches are being developed which have a model   studying by involving them in a tutor activity at an early
            character and which can also be transferred to the en-  stage. The project is closely accompanied by the Centre
            tire TUD and further on to other universities.   for Quality Analysis (ZQA).

            Expansion of the Erasmus+ network

            Due to travel and mobility restrictions, several mobilities
            planned through Erasmus+ (KA 103 and KA 107) could
            not be carried out. Thus, visiting scholar stays to and from
            South Korea and China were postponed to the next year.
            Nevertheless, the ILK took advantage of the pandem-
            ic-related break to establish and expand the Erasmus+
            network: The ILK renewed Erasmus agreements with nu-
            merous partners that have been in place for many years,
            so that students, researchers and administrative staff
            can continue to benefit from the ILK's strong network in
            the future and incorporate stays abroad for study, re-
            search or further education purposes into their CVs. At
            the same time, the ILK expanded its Erasmus network to
            include new international partners, such as the University
            of Patras. Particularly noteworthy is a new cooperation
            agreement concluded in September 2020 with the Addis
            Ababa University of Science and Technology in Ethiopia,
            which is the result of a networking visit conducted in the
            summer of 2019.

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