Page 38 - Research Report 2021 - Institut für Leichtbau und Kunststofftechnik
P. 38
Concepts for the resource-efficient and reliable fabrication
of lightweight structures
The project KORESIL strives for technological and social innovations. The pro- Period
ject partners realise a process chain including five sub-technologies and a 15.02.2021 – 31.01.2024
closed material-loop. In parallel, a virtual copy of this process chain is mod-
elled. The coupling of these two dimensions by adapted interfaces enables Project management
an in-depth analysis and optimization of the whole process chain. By this, an Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Maik Gude
improved resource efficiency as well as novel concepts and tools for work
space design and staff training become possible. Contact
Dr.-Ing. Daniel Weck
At ILK, we analyse socio-technical interactions using the example of a man- Michael Müller-Pabel
ufacturing cell for the robot-assisted injection moulding onto profiles, under
due consideration of digitalisation, automatisation and humans. The results Project partners
are used to derive instructions for the optimised design of working places and • Laboratory for material and joining
training measures. This provides the basis for the development and testing of technology (LWF) at the Paderborn
adapted VR/AR-tools for the efficient transfer of information in real and digital University (UPB)
production environments. • Institute for Machine Tools and
Industrial Management (iwb) at the
TU Munich (TUM)
• Institute of Mineral Processing
Machines and Recycling Systems
Technology (IART) at the TU Berg-
akademie Freiberg
• Institute of Forming Technology and
Lightweight Components (IUL)
at the TU Dortmund
Fields of activity and closed material-loop within the project KORESIL. Funding
The acquired solutions support the activities in the research and transfer pro-
jects of the Plattform FOREL, Germany's biggest R&D-network in lightweight
engineering. Within this network, ongoing systematic research and cross-pro-
ject exchange fosters the closing of existing knowledge gaps in the genesis of
resource-efficient lightweight structures.
Federal Ministry of Education and
Research (BMBF): Programme „Innova-
tionen für die Produktion, Dienstleistung
und Arbeit von morgen“
Funding code: 02P20Z000 to 02P20Z004
Managed by:
Projektträger Karlsruhe (PTKA)
FOREL project portfolio 2013 – 2021.