Page 14 - SaxoCell Annual Report 2021
P. 14

Technical University Dresden

          Technical  University  Dresden  (TUD)  has  its  roots  in  the  Royal  Saxon  Technical  School  that  was
          founded in 1828. Today, it is a university that unites the natural and engineering sciences with the
          humanities and social sciences, as well as medicine. This wide range of disciplines brings with it the
          obligation  for  the  university  to  promote  interdisciplinarity  and  to  contribute  to  the  integration  of
          science and society. The TUD is one of the largest “Technical Universities” in Germany and one of the
          leading and most dynamic universities in Germany. As a full-curriculum university with 17 faculties in
     SaxoCell  Core Institutions  Mobility & Environment as well as Culture & Societal Change and these are considered exemplary in
          five schools, it offers a broad variety of 124 disciplines. It focuses on Health Sciences, Biomedicine &
          Bioengineering,  Information  Technology  &  Microelectronics,  Smart  Materials  &  Structures,  Energy,

          Germany and throughout Europe. Around 32,000 students are enrolled at TUD, one in eight coming
          from abroad. TUD is among the 20 most innovative universities in Europe (Reuters Top 100: Europe’s
          Most Innovative Universities) starting around 20 spin-off companies per year. It has a total budget of
          approx. EUR 578 million thereof approx. 46% third-party funded.

          Since 2012, TUD has been one of Germany’s Universities of Excellence. The Center for Regenerative
          Therapies  Dresden  (CRTD)  was  funded  by  the  DFG  as  Research  Centre  and  Cluster  of  Excellence,
          which among other things develops cell therapy for immune modulation and tissue replacement. The
          CRTD faculty currently includes two Alexander von Humboldt professors. Dresden university hospital,
          has many years of expertise in the field of 'investigator-initiated' and third-party clinical trials and is
          specialised  in  the  application  of  ATMPs.  This  includes  comprehensive  immune  monitoring  and
          biomarker screening as well as biobanking of all types of tissue and liquid samples. It has extensive
          experience and scientific expertise in the field of haematopoietic stem cell transplantation and CAR-T
          cell application and production.

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