Page 30 - Microelectronics and Semiconductor Materials at TU Dresden
P. 30

High-frequency and Mixed-signal Integrated Chips
            for Information-Systems

                                                             The Chair for Circuit Design and Network Theory (CCN)
                                                             performs research regarding the design and modelling
                                                             of integrated circuits in CMOS, BiCMOS, III/V, organic
                                                             and thin-film technologies.

                                                             The focus of the research is on the analysis and design
                                                             of analogue and mixed-signal circuits from the sub-GHz
                                                             range up to millimeter-wave frequencies for future 5/6G
                                                             data communications and sensors.

                                                             The circuits are e.g. optimized for a high efficiency and a
                                                             very low energy consumption. An example of a corres-
                                                             ponding research work is shown in the right image. CCN
                                                             designed an ultra-low power data transceiver operating
                                                             at 433 MHz in 22 nm FDSOI CMOS of GlobalFoundries.
                                                             By means of very efficient duty-cycling, use of optimized
                                                             body-biasing, etc., it was possible to reduce the DC-power
                                                             of the receiver to 500 nW.

                                                             This DC-power is so low that the data receiver can be
                                                             supplied by organic waste, a piece of fruit such as a
                                                             slice of lemon or even natural thermal energy.
            Above:  Prof. Ellinger in the measurement laboratory measuring 5/6G chips /
                 Image: Michael Kretzschmar.
            Right:  Low power transceiver data communication system powered by
                 a slice of lemon or organic waste / Image: CCN


                                                               Prof. Frank Ellinger
                                                               Chair of Circuit Design and
                                                               Network Theory (PSN) //
                                                               TU Dresden

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