Page 16 - TU Dresden Sustainability Strategy 2023-2030
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Research-oriented teaching and transfer
Research-oriented teaching is a key component of teaching at TU Dresden.
The postgraduate course in Environmental Management at the Faculty of
Environmental Sciences, which is unique in Europe, focuses on sustainability and is offered in
cooperation with the Federal Ministry for the Environment, the German Environment Agency,
and the United Nations (UNEP, Nairobi and UNESCO, Paris). On this course, specialists and
managers from developing and emerging countries receive training in integrated environmental
management and relevant specialist topics.
TU Dresden cooperates closely with the FLORES Institute of the United Nations
University (UNU). The UN facility in Dresden addresses the sustainable and integrated
management of water, soil, and waste resources. A joint doctoral program has also been set
up on this topic.
As a strategic project within the Universities of Excellence funding line, TU Dresden is
repositioning its activities along the innovation chain under the umbrella of the Excellence
Center for Innovation, Transfer and Entrepreneurship TUDlexcite TUD|excite develops
pathways for accelerating innovation and transfer management and generating enthusiasm
for the new. Excite is not only an acronym for a new institutional platform, but also expresses
the ambition and motivation with which TUD approaches these topics: Excellence in
innovation, transfer and entrepreneurship – inspiring and enabling a future worth living.
In particular, the aim is to promote sustainable innovations in line with the Sustainable
Development Goals.
The exemplary selection listed here and the large number of actively involved members of
TU Dresden encourage us as a university community in our plan to shape societal change
together in a sustainable way, while at the same time being a role model for society.