Page 3 - Alumni Guide TU Dresden
P. 3

Dear TUD Graduate,

            You did it! On behalf            We wish you all the best for the   Learning, of course, continues after
            of TUD’s leadership              next phase of your life. I am   you leave university. We have
            team, I would like to            convinced that the expertise and   therefore integrated lifelong
                                             skills you acquired at TU Dresden
                                                                             learning into the services we offer.
            congratulate you on              (TUD) will facilitate your successful   These are ideally suited to
            your graduation.                 entry into the professional world.   accompany your future professional
                                             We would be delighted if you    development. Your Alma Mater is at
                                             stayed in touch with your Alma   your side today and in the future.
                                                                             Join TUD’s global network and profit
                                             Our Alumni are very important to   from everything it has to offer. I hope
                                             us. We would love to hear how you   to see you again soon in Dresden.
                                             are doing and keep you updated
                                             about all the exciting things
                                             happening at TUD!
                                                                             Warm regards,
                                             This is your invitation to become
                                             part of the worldwide TUD Alumni

                                             This Alumni Guide is an excellent
                                             resource full of insights into all   Professor Ursula M. Staudinger
                                             things TUD. Discover the numerous
                                             benefits available to you as our   Rector
                                             Graduate and familiarize yourself   TUD | Dresden University of
                                             with ways to get involved.      Technology

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