Page 8 - Alumni Guide TU Dresden
P. 8
Out of sight,
out of mind?
After graduation, it may be time to say goodbye to student life,
friends, and maybe even Dresden; but it doesn’t have to be
goodbye to TU Dresden.
The university has its own Alumni GET INFORMED!
Office that can help you with
inquiries or facilitate relevant
contacts. Become a member of the alumni network
Are you looking to:
• Stay in touch with your
• Be kept up to date with
university life? International contacts via the
• Get involved with your alma regional TUD ambassadors
mater? Are you interested in finding
international contacts? Would you
Then, join the TUD alumni network! like to do an internship abroad
Approximately 19,000 alumni after your studies? Then, make use
already benefit from staying in of the international regional
touch with their university after ambassadors’ willingness to help
graduation. Register for free and you. More than 450 TUD alumni are
stay informed with the latest news available to provide information
from your faculty and the and serve as initial contacts in
university. 95 countries, helping you to get
started locally.
We offer you:
• The latest information from the You can easily get in touch with
university and your faculty them using our interactive world
• The Kontakt online alumni map (more on page 12).
• International contacts via the Newsletter
TUD regional ambassadors You will receive a regular newsletter
• Job offers in your field of with news from your faculty as well
expertise as information on services and
Alumni magazine
Kontakt-online Susann Mayer
Our online magazine is published Contact
quarterly and features reports on TU Dresden
innovations in science, in addition Directorate Communication and
to interviews with TUD alumni. You Marketing, Alumni Office
will receive the newsletter directly 01062 Dresden
in your email inbox. ℡ +49 351 463-36278