Page 11 - Alumni Guide TU Dresden
P. 11
Alumni and Network
Theresa Nadler
Ezchial Wendtoin Nikiema
Biomedical scientist Carlos Be curious! Have a go! Have
Chacón Martínez in conversation your say!
Carlos Chacón Martínez is passion- After completing her Bachelor’s
ate about biotechnology and degree in Business Administration,
medicine because they have an Theresa Nadler wanted to broaden
enormous impact on people’s her professional horizons with a
health and quality of life. He earned Master’s in Continuing Education
his doctorate in Cell Biology Research and Organizational
(Regenerative Medicine Program). Development. Today, she guides Ezé makes dreams come true
Today he is CEO and founder of companies through digital transfor-
Niostem. This start-up uses mation. Her vision is to empower Award-winning German studies
regenerative, wearable technologies employees, thereby unlocking graduate, passionate musician,
to address widespread hair loss. companies’ full potential. singer of the Dresden world music
band Banda Internationale and
charming bridge builder between
cultures. Ezchial Wendtoin Nikiema
from Burkina Faso is one of TUD’s
DAAD prizewinners. He recently
Carlos Chacón Martínez realized one of his dreams: Building
a school in his home country.
Susann Mayer
TU Dresden
Directorate Communication and
Marketing, Alumni Office
01062 Dresden
℡ +49 351 463-36278