Page 9 - Alumni Guide TU Dresden
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What are

            TUD alumni doing today?                                                                                   Alumni and Network

            Explore the diversity of our alumni: with 17 faculties and 120 degree
            programs at TU Dresden, the professional paths of our alumni are
            just as varied as our university itself. The Alumni Office has been in
            touch with some of them to share their stories with you.

                                                                             Dr. Michael Hohmuth

                                                                             Fascinated by secure operating

                                                                             Dr. Michael Hohmuth learned
                                                                             programming as a child – by mail.
                                                                             He studied computer science, an
                                                                             unpopular subject at the time, not
                                                                             only out of interest, but also
                                                                             because he wanted to stay in his
                                                                             hometown of Dresden. Today, he
                                                                             runs the Dresden-based software
                                                                             company Kernkonzept.

            Finding your dream job, with     “I’ve always enjoyed
            knowledge, experience,           construction”                   Queen of online courses
            contacts – and perseverance –
                                             Maximilian Hansen studied       Back in her school days, Anja Lorenz
            Dr. Caroline Förster, who holds a   architecture. It took him seven   participated in Math Olympiads and
            doctorate in History and Communi-  years to graduate as he also   was interested in computers. She
            cation Science, began her career   worked during his studies. This   was one of the few girls in computer
            with the desire to make historical   experience still helps him today.  science classes. She loved computer
            documentaries. Today, as the     While he worked on the Sagrada   games and 3D animated movies,
            Managing Director of the Dresden   Familia as a student and created a   hoping she could pursue a career
            Historical Society, she is an expert   conservation concept for a Persian   in this area too. Today, the she is a
            in history, science and media. In   temple complex for his thesis, his   Research Assistant at Technische
            this role, she publishes the Dres-  own company is now focused on   Hochschule Lübeck and is also
            dner Hefte, among other things.  sustainable trade fair construction,   known as the Queen of MOOC-
                                             event equipment and paper       Maker. She is also a witness to how
                                             architecture.                   learning has changed over time.

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