Page 12 - Alumni Guide TU Dresden
P. 12
International contacts
made easy
Are you planning an internship abroad and have questions? Are you
spending some time overseas and would like support? Then ask
someone who knows the ropes - TU Dresden's alumni ambassadors!
A large number of alumni ambassa- They are happy to help you find
dors are available to you as internships, provide detailed
contacts in their home countries. information about the working and
These alumni have moved all over living situation in their home
the world after completing their countries and answer questions
studies. They are available as a first such as
point of contact in their respective
countries, thereby making it easier • Who can help me get my
for you to get started locally. bearings in Indonesia or
Our alumni ambassadors are there
for you worldwide! Whether in the • How do I find an internship in
USA or Vietnam, Argentina or the USA, Italy or Argentina?
Ethiopia – they are happy to answer
your questions. • How do I apply for a job in the
All of the university’s alumni
ambassadors are listed online in an Susann Mayer
interactive world map. Markers
indicate the countries and places
where alumni ambassadors live. A
brief profile, with approved contact
details, is available for each
individual; simply select the country
of your choice and contact them by
TU Dresden
Directorate Communication and
Marketing, Alumni Office
01062 Dresden
℡ +49 351 463-36278