Page 35 - Alumni Guide TU Dresden
P. 35
University and Campus
Restructuring of the Conversion of Diplom and Magister The International Institute (IHI) Zittau
university – 22 sections degree courses to Bachelor degree becomes a Central Academic Unit of
emerge from the faculties courses (BOLOGNA process) begins TU Dresden
1968 2005 2013
After many years of
construction, the Fritz
The TUD joins forces Foerster Building is officially
with 14 strong partners opened as the new head-
from science and culture quarters of the university
TUD celebrates to form the DRESDEN- administration. The
Comprehensive the 175th concept network, which ServiceCenterStudies also
university with anniversary of is unique in Germany moves from the SLUB
14 faculties its founding to here
1994 2003 2009 2023
1996 2004 2012
Laying of the Raises more than As part of the second
foundation stone EUR 100 million in program phase of the
for the Auditorium third-party funding Excellence Initiative, TUD is
Center, opened in for the first time, the only university in an East
1998 financing more German state to be awarded
than 2,000 Excellence status
from 1990 2006 2019
New founding of the Faculties of Arts, In the first program phase of the With the renewed distinction as a
Humanities and Social Science; Faculty of Excellence Initiative, TUD is the University of Excellence and
Law; and the Faculties of Business and most successful university in the three Clusters of Excellence as
Economics; Education; Linguistics, new federal states with the part of the Excellence Strategy of
Literature and Cultural Studies; and the acquisition of a Cluster of Excel- the Federal and State Govern-
“Friedrich List” Faculty of Transport and lence and a Graduate School ments, TU Dresden is one of a
Traffic Sciences after the dissolution of the total of eleven Universities of
Hochschule für Verkehrswesen. Founding Excellence in Germany
of the Carl Gustav Carus Faculty of
Medicine after the dissolution of the
Medical Academy