Page 40 - Alumni Guide TU Dresden
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Your next big step: with the Graduate
Academy and Postdoc Center
Interested in doctoral opportunities at TU Dresden? Have you
already started your doctorate or do you work as a postdoc at TUD?
Then the Graduate Academy and the Postdoc Center are important
contact points for you.
With the Graduate Academy (GA) workshops in German and English The various funding programs for
and the Postdoc Center, TU Dresden on the following: doctoral candidates and
offers doctoral candidates and • Leadership and management postdocs include long-term and
postdocs tailor-made services for skills short-term scholarships in addition
researchers before, during and • Career planning to grants for mobility and
after their doctorate. • Science in practice/ science networking.
Their services include: • Scientific work All doctoral candidates at
• Individual counseling and • Science communication TU Dresden can elect the Doctoral
coaching Council, once per year.
• An interdisciplinary qualification With the Career Program:
program Business or the Future Career The Doctoral Council aims to:
• A writing workshop Program: Innovation doctoral • Strengthen the visibility of
• Information and networking students and postdocs will be fully doctoral candidates at the
events prepared for a career outside of university,
• Mentoring programs academia or as future start-up • Create a platform for cross-fac-
• Numerous funding programs founders. ulty dialogue between doctoral
Membership of the Graduate The GA-Writing Lab offers • Contribute suggestions and
Academy or the Postdoc Center is a doctoral candidates and postdocs proposals for the further
prerequisite for taking advantage of an interdisciplinary support development of GA services.
these offers. program for all aspects of academic
writing. With the founding of the Postdoc
As a doctoral candidate or postdoc, Center, a Postdoc Representative
you can apply for this free of They also offer individual consulta- was established as well.
charge. tions and short workshops, writing
groups, writing weeks, an annual The Postdoc Representative
The advisory service consists of writing retreat, the Grant Writing strives to:
the following: Boot Camp for postdocs, and • Support postdocs in networking
• Initial counseling on all ques- workstations. across disciplines,
tions related to doctoral studies • Represent postdoc interests
• Funding In addition, you can benefit from • Participate actively in deci-
• Writing regular information and network- sion-making processes.
• Career counseling and CV check, ing events such as PhD Day,
• Conflict counseling and Postdoc Day, Career Day, company Would you like to be kept updated?
mediation visits or career lunch talks, postdoc Then network with the GA/Postdoc
• Individual coaching. talks and the summer party. Center via LinkedIn.
The qualification program Angela Böhm
of the GA and the Postdoc Center
is offered every semester and
includes interdisciplinary