Page 46 - Alumni Guide TU Dresden
P. 46
TUing good together – the
Friends and Sponsors of
TU Dresden
The Association of Friends and Sponsors of TU Dresden are well-
known personalities and companies as well as many former students
and employees of the university. Through their membership, they
support the development of TUD and are part of a long tradition of
private sponsors of the university. This tradition began back in 1842
with the first foundations and then led to the founding of what was
known as the society in 1921. After a long break, it was re-estab-
lished in 1991 as a non-profit association.
Commitment and support Expanding networks
The association aims to promote The sponsoring organization
teaching and research at TUD, provides a platform for dialog
strengthen the university’s image between business and academia.
and reputation, and support For this purpose, there is a diverse
contacts with partners from program of events. Various formats
research and industry. To this end, present opportunities to interact
it implements numerous funding with members, university staff and
programs for students and scien- students. In addition to participa-
tists at TU Dresden, supporting tion in a wide-ranging network,
around 300 projects per year. there is a chance to gain exclusive
insights into TU Dresden’s research
Selected funding activities of and teaching activities.
the Association of Friends and
Sponsors: Staying in touch
The association focuses on
• Scholarship programs (STEM maintaining the connection
and “Deutschland” scholarships) between alma mater and alumni
• Supporting the active participa- after their studies. Membership for
tion of early-career researchers graduates up to the age of 30 at a
at international conferences reduced fee of EUR 25 per year
• Student field trips at home and facilitates this purpose. We invite all
abroad alumni to get involved in the
• Internships abroad for students development of the sponsoring
from all departments organization and, as part of a circle
• Projects for student recruitment of like-minded people, to keep a
and academic success lifelong connection with their alma
• Endowing the teaching award to mater.
honor outstanding teaching
achievements Tanja Matthes
• Support for cooperation with
schools Become a member here
• Promotion of university culture
and the university’s cultural Contact
groups TU Dresden
Gesellschaft von Freunden und
Förderern der TU Dresden e.V.
Dr. Undine Krätzig
01062 Dresden
℡ +49 351 463-34442