Page 75 - Forschungsbericht 2021 - Institut für Leichtbau und Kunststofftechnik
P. 75

―   Neubauer, M.; Dannemann, M.; Kucher, M.; Bleil, N.; Wollmann, T.; Modler, N.: Numerical buckling analysis of hybrid honeycomb cores for advanced
               Helmholtz resonator liners. Journal of Composites Science 5 (2021) 5, Nr. 0116, DOI: 10.3390/jcs5050116
            ―   Gröger, B.; Troschitz, J.; Vorderbüggen, J.; Vogel, Ch.; Kupfer, R.; Meschut, G.; Gude, M.: Clinching of thermoplastic composites and metals – a com-
               parison of three novel joining technologies. Materials 14 (2021) 9, Nr. 2286, DOI: 10.3390/ma14092286
            ―   Dannemann, M.; Siwek, S.; Modler, N.; Wagenführ, A.; Tietze, J.: Damping behavior of thermoplastic organic sheets with continuous natural fiber-re-
               inforcement. Vibration 4 (2021) 2, S. 529-536, DOI: 10.3390/vibration4020031
            ―   Richter, J.; Kuhtz, M.; Hornig, A.; Harhash, M.; Palkowski, H.; Gude, M.: A mixed numerical-experimental method to characterize metal-polymer inter-
               faces for crash applications. Metals 11 (2021) 5, S. 818, DOI: 10.3390/met11050818
            ―   Hentschel, U.; Steinbild, P.J.; Dannemann, M.; Schwaar, A.; Modler, N.; Schürer, A.: Functional design employing miniaturized electronics with wi-
               reless signal provision to a smartphone for a strain-based measuring system for ski poles. Computers 10 (2021) 6, Nr. 77, DOI: 10.3390/compu-
            ―   Gröger, B.; Hornig, A.; Hoog, A.; Gude, M.: Temperature dependent modelling of fibre-reinforced thermoplastic organo-sheet material for forming
               and joining process simulations. Key Engineering Materials 883 (2021), S. 49-56, DOI: 10.4028/
            ―   Köhler, D.; Sadeghian, B.; Kupfer, R.; Troschitz, J.; Gude, M.; Brosius, A.: A method for characterization of geometric deviations in clinch points with
               computed tomography and transient dynamic analysis. Key Engineering Materials 883 (2021), S. 89-96, DOI: 10.4028/
            ―   Filippatos, A.; Grüber, B.; Lich, J.; Wollmann, T.; Zhou, B.; Kuschmierz, R.; Koch, E.; Czarske, J.; Gude, M.: Design and testing of polar-orthotropic multi-
               layered composites under rotational load. Materials & Design 207 (2021), Nr. 109583, DOI: 10.1016/j.matdes.2021.109853
            ―   Lich, J.; Wollmann, T.; Filippatos, A.; Gude, M.; Czarske, J.; Kuschmierz, R.: Diffraction grating sensor for damage and modal analysis of fast rotating
               composite structures (Conference Presentation). Tagungsband SPIE Optical Metrology „Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection XII“,
               Online Conference, 21.-26. Juni 2021, Proceedings of SPIE 11782 (2021), Nr. 117820W, DOI: 10.1117/12.2592581
            ―   Gude, M.; Barfuß, D.; Coutandin, S.; Fleischer, J.; Grützner, R.; Hirsch, F.; Kästner, M.; Müller-Pabel, M.; Müller, R.; Nieschlag, J.; Ruhland, P.; Würfel, V.:
               Hybride Hohlstrukturen für Wellen und Streben. In: Fleischer, J. (Hrsg.), Intrinsische Hybridverbunde für Leichtbautragstrukturen, Berlin: Springer
               Verlag, 2021, S. 205-264, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-62833-1_4
            ―   Tittmann, K.; Koch, I.; Gude, M.: Validation of an energy-based fatigue life model for fibre reinforced plastics under different stress ratios. Tagungs-
               band 14th World Congress in Computational Mechanics (WCCM) – ECCOMAS Congress 2020, Virtual Congress, 11.-15. Januar 2021 100 (2021), Nr.
               356, DOI: 10.23967/wccm-eccomas.2020.356
            ―   Ehrenhofer, A.; Elstner, M.; Filippatos, A.; Gude, M.; Wallmersperger, Th.: Window-opener as an example for environment measurement and combi-
               ned actuation of smart hydrogels. Tagungsband SPIE Smart Structures + Nondestructive Evaluation „Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices
               (EAPAD) XXIII“, Online Conference, 22.-27. März 2021, Proceedings of SPIE 11587 (2021), Nr. 115870I, DOI: 10.1117/12.2582672
            ―   Kärger, L.; Galkin, S.; Kunze, E.; Gude, M.; Schäfer, B.: Prediction of forming effects in UD-NCF by macroscopic forming simulation – Capabilities and
               limitations. Tagungsband 24th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming – ESAFORM 2021, Online Conference, 14.-16. April 2021
               (2021), Nr. 355, DOI: 10.25518/esaform21.355
            ―   Köhler, D.; Kupfer, R.; Troschitz, J.; Gude, M.: Clinching in in-situ CT – Experimental study on suitable tool materials. Tagungsband 24th International
               ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming – ESAFORM 2021, Online Conference, 14.-16. April 2021 (2021), Nr. 2781, DOI: 10.25518/esaform21.2781
            ―   Kunze, E.; Müller-Pabel, M.; Weißenborn, O.; Luft, R.; Faust, J.; Geller, S.; Gude, M.: Experimental studies for the additive manufacturing of continuous
               fiber reinforced composites using UV-curing thermosets. Tagungsband 24th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming – ESAFORM
               2021, Online Conference, 14.-16. April 2021 (2021), Nr. 3807, DOI: 10.25518/esaform21.3807
            ―   Müller-Pabel, M.; Wohlfahrt, D.; Geller, S.; Gude, M.: Qualification of an epoxy resin system for use in secondarily formable CFRP rebars. Tagungs-
               band 24th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming – ESAFORM 2021, Online Conference, 14.-16. April 2021 (2021), Nr. 4252, DOI:
            ―   Müller, J.; Müller-Pabel, M.; Lorenz, N.; Gröger, B.; Gerritzen, J.; Gude, M.; Hopmann, Ch.: Visco-thermo-elastic simulation approach for prediction of
               cure-induced residual stresses in fiber reinforced composites. Tagungsband 24th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming – ESA-
               FORM 2021, Online Conference, 14.-16. April 2021 (2021), Nr. 4266, DOI: 10.25518/esaform21.4266
            ―   Gröger, B.; Hornig, A.; Hoog, A.; Gude, M.: Modelling of thermally supported clinching of fibre-reinforced thermoplastics: Approaches on mesoscale
               considering large deformations and fibre failure. Tagungsband 24th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming – ESAFORM 2021,
               Online Conference, 14.-16. April 2021 (2021), Nr. 4293, DOI: 10.25518/esaform21.4293
            ―   Kuhtz, M.; Beckert, Th.; Weber, T.; Hornig, A.; Gude, M.; Jäger, H.; Irani, M.; Zapf, M.; Ullmann, M.; Prahl, U.: Herstellung hybrider Verbunde mittels
               Pressverfahren. Tagungsband MEFORM 2021 "Materials Data for smart Forming Technologies", Freiberg, 18.-19. März 2021
            ―   Irani, M.; Kuhtz, M.; Zapf, M.; Ullmann, M.; Hornig, A.; Gude, M.; Prahl, U.: Investigation of the deformation behaviour and resulting ply thicknesses
               of multilayered fibre-metal laminates. Journal of Composites Science 5 (2021) 7, Nr. 176, DOI: 10.3390/jcs5070176
            ―   Woigk, W.; Zhang, B.; Jones, M.I.; Kuhtz, M.; Hornig, A.; Gude, M.; Hallett, St.R.: Effect of saw-tooth ply drops on the mechanical performance of ta-
               pered composite laminates. Composite Structures 272 (2021), Nr. 114197, DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2021.114197
            ―   Lypchanskyi, O.; Sleboda, T.; Wojtaszek, M.; Muszka, K.; Lukaszek-Solek, A.; Stanik, R.; Gude, M.: The analysis of flow behavior of Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo
               alloy based on the processing maps. International Journal of Material Forming 14(2020) 4, S. 523-532, DOI: 10.1007/s12289-019-01533-z
            ―   Schmidt, S.; Sathiaraj, G.D.; Kumar, S.S.; Sulkowski, B.; Suwas, S.; Jaschinski, J.; Pukenas, A.; Gu, B.; Skrotzki, W.: Effect of rolling and annealing tempe-
               rature on the mechanical properties of CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy. Materials Chemistry and Physics 270 (2021), Nr. 124830, DOI: 10.1016/j.
            ―   Valverde, M.A.; Belnoue, J.P.H.; Kupfer, R.; Kawashita, L.F.; Gude, M.; Hallett, St.R.: Compaction behaviour of continuous fibre-reinforced thermoplas-
               tic composites under rapid processing conditions. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 149 (2021), Nr. 106549, DOI: 10.1016/j.

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