Page 24 - Research Report 2021 - Institut für Leichtbau und Kunststofftechnik
P. 24
Contact Novel Materials and Special Processes
In order to pave the way to a climate-neutral circular economy in lightweight
engineering, “Neutral lightweight engineering” is the upgrade of the previ-
ous ILK philosophy of “Function-integrative system lightweight engineering in
multi-material design”. Under this aspect, the research group Novel Materials
and Special Processes addresses the targeted development and research of
climate-friendly hybrid technologies for the production of new types of recy-
clable mixed composites with application-oriented properties.
The high degree of customisability of additive manufacturing processes, the
Dr.-Ing. Thomas Behnisch
performance of fibre materials, the adaptability of bionic structures, the toler-
+49 351 463 42503 ant failure behaviour of metallic materials as well as the thermal resistance of
✉ ceramics can open up unexpected potential and new fields of application. This
intended fusion of different technologies for the highest possible functionality
and improvement of utility value is the key competence of the research group
Novel Materials and Special Processes.
Our research focuses both metallic and ceramic fibre composites, the de-
velopment of novel “hybrid casting” technologies for Aluminium/Magnesium
thermoplastic composites as well as generative manufacturing processes (e.g.
continuous fibre-reinforced 3D printing), the application of electron beam
technology for energy-efficient cross-linking of plastics and the development
and advanced processing of customised multifunctional carbon fibres based
Tino Mrotzek
on renewable materials.
+49 351 463 38546
Contact Neutral Lightweight Engineering
The Neutral Lightweight Engineering group conducts research on interdiscipli-
nary sustainability-oriented topics in the context of lightweight engineering. At
the interface of engineering, economics, environmental science and society,
we investigate product systems holistically and develop sustainable, appli-
cation-oriented solutions. In particular, we address the following five topics:
Sustainability-oriented development processes for lightweight systems, cir-
cularition of lightweight materials, resource-saving production technologies,
lightweight design with materials from renewable resources, and life cycle
analyses of lightweight products and technologies.
Dr.-Ing. Robert Kupfer
+49 351 463 38749 Guided by the ILK concept of Neutral Lightweight Engineering, we not only
✉ consider the technical and economic criteria in research and development,
but explicitly include environmental aspects along the entire product or ma-
terial life cycle. The positive vision of Neutral Lightweight Engineering is a
resource-neutral circular economy. In line with the UN definition of sustain-
ability, the anticipation of possible rebound effects as well as the analysis of
process networks and supply chains with regard to societal criteria and envi-
ronmental standards play a role in our research.