Page 26 - Research Report 2021 - Institut für Leichtbau und Kunststofftechnik
P. 26

Fig. 02   In situ examination of different damage levels in a fibre composite.

               new application possibilities and innovative processes   to contrast microcracks, which are often closed in the
               in scientific projects. We are primarily interested in the   unstressed state, the ILK can use the in-situ computed
               clarification of the so-called process-structure-property   tomograph, which was developed in-house. With this
               relationships, which will enable data- and model-based   equipment, samples can be examined under mechanical
               material and process developments in the future. Struc-  loads such as tension, compression or torsion at resolu-
               tural analysis with imaging methods plays an essential   tions from 5 µm voxel size. Load tests with accompanying
               role here in order to understand the essential mecha-  xCT can be used to observe the initiation and evolution
               nisms in the behaviour of the materials.         of cracks in discrete stages (Fig. 02). However, scan times
                                                                of up to one hour have to be considered for high-con-
               Basically, the aim of all NDT methods is to show the con-  trast tomograms. Fast processes such as manufacturing,
               dition of the material or component. For this purpose,   deformation and structure formation processes can nev-
               the interactions of the material with electromagnetic or   ertheless be explored by recording an “x-ray film” – but at
               mechanical waves are utilized. The NDT methods availa-  the price of losing depth information.
               ble at the ILK can be classified into the following groups:
                                                                Cost-effectiveness for xCT in series can be achieved, for
                   NDT with electromagnetic waves               example, by using fast xCT, which requires only a few min-
                                                                utes for a scan, in combination with group examinations.
                   X-ray computer tomography
                                                                A considerable competitive advantage results from the
                   Shearography                                 higher information content due to the volume resolution
                                                                compared to classical ultrasound examinations.
                   Optical measurement and by eye inspection
                   Thermography                                 For further improving this xCT potential, the ILK is fo-
                                                                cusing on two priorities in its development: (1) reducing
                                                                image artefacts during acquisition, for example through
                   NDT with mechanical waves
                                                                helical CT or the use of filters, and (2) improving image
                   Ultrasound: Impuls-Echo, transmission,       evaluation through the use of methods of 3D image cor-
                   water coupling, air coupling                 relation, correlative image analysis and the deeper inte-
                                                                gration of simulation results.
                   Ultrasound microscopy
                   Acoustic emission                            In contrast to xCT, NDT with ultrasound has a longer
                                                                tradition and is widely established in materials testing.
                   Vibration analysis
                                                                There are different variations of the method. The use of
                                                                air-coupled ultrasound in a transmission arrangement
               The ILK has particular expertise in the field of X-ray com-  is very efficient due to the low sample preparation ef-
               puter tomography (xCT), which in principle can be used   fort, especially for the analysis of flat, small to medium
               to detect all relevant defects in fibre composites. How-  size structures. Its spatial resolution is usually sufficient
               ever, this method is limited in terms of spatial resolu-  for the detection of all technically relevant defects such
               tion, the ability to contrast defects and the analysis of   as delaminations, pore fields or dry spots. The disadvan-
               large components. We therefore have three devices in   tage is that it usually cannot be used to inspect sandwich
               use that complement each other's capabilities in this re-  components and indicate the depth of the defect. In such
               spect: We achieve the highest resolution of approx. 1 µm   cases, the pulse-echo method is clearly at an advantage,
               with the Nanotom, and we can examine particularly large   which can also be used with only one-sided accessibil-
               or heavy components with the V|tome|x 450L. In order   ity. Its often lower efficiency can be compensated for by

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