Page 60 - Research Report 2021 - Institut für Leichtbau und Kunststofftechnik
P. 60
Project Overview (Selection)
Project Project exe-
management Expert group Start End Funding cuting agency
1000KM+ Scalable European Powertrain Technology Platform for Cost-Efficient Electric Vehicles to Connect Prof. Dr.-Ing. Function Integration 01/2019 06/2022 EU
Europe Niels Modler
ABSOLUT Automatic bus shuttle – self-organizing between Leipzig and the BMW terminal Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Lightweight Design 01/2019 09/2022 BMWK DLR
Hubert Jäger
ADAPT Self-adapting cutting system and in-process quality assurance in the CFRP processing process Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Thermoset Processing and 11/2018 04/2021 BMBF PTKA-PFT
Maik Gude Preforming
ADHYBAU Development of additive processes and fiber composite-metal hybrid designs for the Use in cryo- Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Joining Technologies 05/2020 04/2023 BMWK DLR
(ex. BASELA) genic environments (AdHyBau) Maik Gude
SP: Novel designs for structures in electric drives with cryogenic cooling
AI4CSM Artificial Intelligence for/at Connected Shared Mobility Prof. Dr.-Ing. Function Integration 07/2021 04/2024 EU/BMBF/SAB VDI/VDE
Niels Modler
AI4DI Artificial Intelligence for Digitalizing Industry Prof. Dr.-Ing. Function Integration 05/2019 11/2022 EU/BMBF VDI/VDE
Niels Modler
AMARETO Saxon alliance for material- and resource-efficient technologies Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Calculation Methods and 01/2017 02/2021 SAB
Maik Gude Simulation
AMSIM Development of a sequential simulation methodology for the analysis and optimization of the de- Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Joining Technologies 06/2019 11/2021 AiF FSKZ
sign of additively manufactured components considering process- and structure-related anisotro- Maik Gude
pies in the fused layer modeling process
AMTWIN Data-driven process, material and structure analysis for additive manufacturing Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Testing Methods and 12/2019 06/2022 SAB
Maik Gude Material Models
ARCHITECT Trustable architectures with acceptable residual risk for the electric, connected and automated cars Prof. Dr.-Ing. Function Integration 07/2020 06/2023 EU/BMBF VDI/VDE
Niels Modler
BIIAX Description of the fatigue behavior of fabric-reinforced fiber-plastic composites under combined Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Testing Methods and 03/2021 02/2024 DFG
interlaminar shear and out-of-plane compressive stress Maik Gude Material Models
BRYSON Space-efficient hydrogen storage with optimised usability Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Thermoplastic Processing 12/2019 05/2023 BMWK PTJ
SP: Process development for the manufacturing of thermoplastic warp tank systems Maik Gude
C3-V2.5A Beanspruchungsgerechte Carbonbewehrungsstäbe für einen wirtschaftlichen Einsatz im Bauwesen Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Material Models 01/2019 02/2021 BMBF PTJ
SP: Entwicklung angepasster Bewehrungsstabprofilierungen und Fertigungskonzepte Hubert Jäger
C3-V4.16 Multiaxiale Garnablage im automatisierten Umlaufprozess (Multi-2D Druck) Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Material Models 09/2018 03/2021 BMBF PTJ
SP: Grundlagenuntersuchungen zur Entwicklung einer neuartigen Prüfmethode für Carbonbe- Maik Gude
wehrungsstäbe mit variablen Oberflächentopologien
CECO Development of a manufacturing process for injection moldable cellulose-based composites Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Neutral Lightweight 08/2019 01/2022 AiF DECHEMA
Hubert Jäger Engineering VL bis 4/2022
CHANGE! Change! From resource efficiency towards neutrality Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Neutral Lightweight 10/2021 12/2022 SMWK
Maik Gude Engineering
CIRCECON Survey concept for the Trilateral Research Centre for circular and organic economy of the Saxon Prof. Dr. rer. nat. International 01/2021 07/2021 SAB
Technical Universities Chemnitz, Dresden and Freiberg in Lusatia Hubert Jäger