Page 70 - Research Report 2021 - Institut für Leichtbau und Kunststofftechnik
P. 70
Project Project exe-
management Expert group Start End Funding cuting agency
RECAR Development of a modular heating system based on recycled carbon fiber nonwovens for use in Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thermoset Processing and 01/2020 06/2022 AiF AiF
forming and preforming tools Niels Modler Preforming
SP: Characterization of the properties of heating nonwovens made from recycled carbon fibers
and research into possible applications in the preforming process of textile semi-finished products
ROBIN Robot-assisted mobile injection unit for the process-integrated manufacturing of hybrid component Dr.-Ing. Michael Krahl Thermoplastic Processing 03/2020 02/2022 BMWK PTJ
structures (Robotised Injection Moulding)
ROBUST Efficient and robust development, validation and production processes of hybrid metal-fibre com- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Thermoplastic Processing 02/2019 07/2021 SAB
posite design methods for transport and energy technology systems in the context of Industry 4.0 Hubert Jäger
SAXONHY System-integrated H2 pressure tank assemblies for general aviation and feeder aircraft Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Lightweight Design 12/2021 05/2023 SAB
SP: MBSE-based methods for the development, integration and certification of system-integrated Maik Gude
H2 pressure tank assemblies
SCADS2 ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig - Center For Scalabel Data Analytics And Artifical Inteligence Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Calculation Methods and 10/2018 09/2021 BMBF DLR
Maik Gude Simulation
SMARTMEM- Smart membrane pressing technology for manufacturing of high performance composite compo- Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Thermoset Processing and 01/2020 03/2022 AiF FILK
BRANE-C nents Maik Gude Preforming
SP: Develoment of a smart membrane for manufacturing of high performance composites with
high geometric variability
SNAPCURE Innovative process chains with fast-curing polymer systems (Snap-Cure-Polymers 4.0) Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Thermoset Processing and 11/2018 03/2022 SAB
4.0 SP: Development and validation of combined information- and description-based structure and Maik Gude Preforming
process chain models
SPIFA SpinnennetzFaserverbund: Development of a new lightweight partition wall for aircrafts based on Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Thermoset Processing and 09/2021 02/2024 AiF AiF
a novel load insert made of thermoset hardpoints as well as fiber composite tapes with spider web Maik Gude Preforming
structure for weight savings of at least 5 %.
SP: Investigation of process parameters of a holistic manufacturing process for aircraft partition
walls for the development of a sensor-based production process automation with a response time
below 1 sec
SPP 1897 - Complex-Shaped Lightweight Structures with Adaptive Dynamic Behaviour through Evanescent Dr.-Ing. Pawel Kostka Function Integration 10/2019 09/2022 DFG
II. Phase Morphing
STYQZAHL Structural metal-polymer hybrid design using the example of a bumper beam for electrified, large- Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Thermoplastic Processing 05/2020 10/2022 BMBF PTJ
scale automotive production – presentation of an economical manufacturing process through in- Maik Gude
tegration of on-line quality assurance and optimisation of material utilisation
SUMMER Summer School “Intelligent Lightweight Systems“ (13.–18.09.2020) Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Internationales 03/2020 12/2022 TUD/Bereich
SWING Modelling and simulation of the manufacture-dependent shrinkage behaviour of glass-fibrerein- Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Calculation Methods and 02/2019 07/2022 DFG
forced epoxy resins for the improved prediction of surface-waviness and warpage Maik Gude Simulation
TAPE-PRO- Development of a technology for the production of sockets for transtibial prostheses on the basis Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thermoplastic Processing 05/2019 07/2021 AiF VDI/VDE
THESE of prefabricated blanks made of tape mesh for a quick, individual fitting to the patient. Niels Modler
SP: Development of a process technology for manufacturing prosthetic sockets using OrganoTubes
TERESA Thermoplastic final contour sandwich for innovative aerospace applications Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Thermoplastic Processing 05/2019 04/2022 BMWK DLR
SP: Development of functionalised thermoplastic-based sandwich structures for aerospace appli- Maik Gude
THOPOL Thermally highly resistant polymer structures for lightweight propulsion systems Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Calculation Methods and 02/2019 12/2022 BMBF PTJ
SP: Efficient processing technologies and robust design methods for rotating lightweight structures Maik Gude Simulation