Page 91 - ITM Jahresbericht 2021
P. 91
Herr Dr.-Ing. Jonas David Zerbst mit den vor Ort anwesenden und online dazugeschalteten Mitgliedern der Prüfungs-
Development of a virtual process chain for the cess of veneers with nonwoven backings, with consid-
computational simulation of the forming process eration of the individual growth-related properties of
of wood surfaces with nonwoven backings of auto- the veneer structure.
motive interior trim parts
Die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter des ITM gratu-
In automotive manufacturing, laminated veneer sheets lieren Herrn Dr.-Ing. Jonas David Zerbst zum erfolg-
are being formed into a 3D geometry for the produc- reichen Abschluss seiner Dissertation recht herzlich
tion of trim parts with wood surfaces. Estimations of the und wünschen ihm für seine weitere berufliche und
formability are challenging due to the brittle, anisotrop- private Zukunft alles Gute und viel Erfolg.
ic and inhomogeneous nature of wood. During the vehi-
cle development process, the design of the forming pro-
cess requires extensive tests with prototype tools. The
presented thesis introduced numerical methods for the Download der Dissertation:
prediction of the formability of veneers with nonwoven Qucosa :
backings in order to reduce expenses for the usage of
resources and to rapid the development process. There-
fore, ash wood veneers with nonwoven backings were
characterized in their principal mechanical properties.
The experimentally obtained data was used to derive
constitutive laws and a material model. Furthermore,
a mapping scheme was realized for the transfer of ear-
ly- and latewood zones from ash wood veneer surfac-
es to finite element meshes, based on gray scale imag-
es to consider local damage. The forming simulation of
therewith generated digital twin samples of an interior
trim part surface delivered a very good agreement of
the characteristic wrinkling behavior, dependent on the
individual arrangement of the growth rings, as it was
also observed from the real series manufacturing pro-
cess. In summary, the developments provide the whole
process chain for the virtual design of the forming pro-