Page 10 - Collections of the TU Dresden [Office for Academic Heritage]
P. 10

C O L L E C T I O N S   O F   T H E   FA C U LT Y   O F   B I O L O G Y

       H E R B A R I U M   D R E S D E N S E
       The Herbarium Dresdense (international acronym DR) consists of about 500,000 samples of
       plants, lichens and fungi from all systematic groups and from every continent on earth, although
       the main focus is Europe. The collection is subdivided into the Herbarium Generale with seed
       plant samples of global origin, the Herbarium Saxonicum, with plants from Saxony and adjacent
       areas, the Cryptogam Herbarium, which includes algae, fungi, lichens and bryophytes, as well as
       Oscar Drude’s Formation Herbarium. In addition, the herbarium houses timber cross-sections,
       seeds, fruits and pollen preparations. There is also a card file containing the collection sites
       of Saxon plants. In 1918, the extensive Potentilla Herbarium of Theodor Wolf (the basis for his
       monograph on the genus Potentilla) was acquired and incorporated into the herbarium DR.

       Institute of Botany
       Seminargebäude 2 · Zellescher Weg 22
       Dr. Frank Müller · Phone: +49 351–463 330 12 · E-Mail:

       B I S C U T E L L A   L A E V I G A T A   ( F I G .   P .   8 )
       E R I O P H O R U M   A N G U S T I F O L I U M   ( F I G .   L E F T )
       C O L L E C T I O N   C A B I N E T   W I T H   T H E   P O T E N T I L L A   H E R B A R I U M   P O R T F O L I O S   B Y   T H E O D O R   W O L F   ( F I G .   R I G H T )

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