Page 54 - SaxoCell Annual Report22/23
P. 54


             SaxoCellCLINICS was founded to provide resources and services for innovative research projects
             with clinical relevance in the SaxoCell cluster in the best possible way. The platform acts both as a
             clinical contact for project partners and as an interface between research institutions, authorities,
             industry and other platforms in the cluster.

             Project lead: Uwe Platzbecker & Silke Gloaguen

             Partners:  University  Hospital  Leipzig,  University  Hospital  Dresden,  Center  for  Clinical  Studies
             Leipzig (ZKS), Coordination Center Clinical Studies Dresden (KKS)

             The specific objectives of the platform are defined as follows:

               1. Establishment of a central coordination structure for clinical and regulatory aspects in the field

                of gene and cell therapy in the SaxoCell cluster.
              2. Optimization of translation of phase 1-3 clinical trials in the field of cell and gene therapy.
              3. Consulting and establishment of networks.
              4. Establishment of a registry and harmonization of biobanking (SaxoCell-Bio) for cell and gene
                therapies in Saxony.

             The SaxoCellCLINICS platform has already made important progress. Fixed contact persons with
             clear tasks have been appointed, including Uwe Platzbecker as scientific director, who is primarily
             responsible for clinical-scientific issues and study designs. Silke Gloaguen leads the coordinative
             activities  of  the  platform,  while  Janine  Kirchberg  is  an  important  link  between  specific  cluster
             projects and the platform.

             SaxoCellClinics platform staff regularly attend cluster meetings and are available as contacts for
             projects and working groups in the cluster. The platform focuses on training and advising partners
             in clinical trials as well as providing support in later preclinical phases. It works closely with the
             Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI), the state directorate and other authorities.

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