Page 10 - Microelectronics and Semiconductor Materials at TU Dresden
P. 10

DRESDEN-concept: Science and Innovation Campus

            The DRESDEN-concept research alliance was founded   In the federal and state excellence competitions, in
            in 2010 and currently comprises 36 partners, including   which TU Dresden won and renewed its Excellence
            TU Dresden and local institutions of the Max Planck   status, DRESDEN-concept proved to be a significant
            Society, the Leibniz Association, the Helmholtz Associa-  factor.
            tion and the Fraunhofer Society, as well as renowned,
            cultural institutions that actively conduct research.  The alliance is constantly evolving: the partner institu-
                                                             tions are well on their way to transforming the Dresden
            The mission of DRESDEN-concept is to strengthen co-   science hub into a DRESDEN-concept Science and
            operation among its partner institutions and to identify   Innovation Campus.
            and exploit synergies in research and teaching as well as
            infrastructure and administration. This is also illustrated
            by the acronym DRESDEN, which stands for Dresden
            Research and Education Synergies for the Development
            of Excellence and Novelty. Examples include identifying
            and coordinating research priorities, jointly attracting   DRESDEN-concept partner institutions
            the brightest minds and highly promising talents, or the   TU Dresden
            shared use of resources.
                                                                     3 institutes of the Max Planck Society
            By networking across institutional and disciplinary
            boundaries, DRESDEN-concept offers researchers an        4 institutes of the Leibniz Association
            ideal environment for science and innovation. The        3 institutes of the Helmholtz Association
            physical proximity of the partners, the sustainable use
            of infrastructures within the alliance and the establish-  9 institutes of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
            ment of joint research priorities make Dresden an        3 universities of applied sciences
            outstanding science location.                            1 university hospital
                                                                     5 cultural institutions
                                                                                                                    as of January 10, 2023
                                                                     7 further research institutions

              DRESDEN-concept e.V.
                 ⌖ Einsteinstraße 9
                01069 Dresden

              ✉        Right:  Map of Dresden with DRESDEN-concept alliance partners /
                                    Illustration: DRESDEN-concept
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