Page 5 - Microelectronics and Semiconductor Materials at TU Dresden
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Image: Robert Lohse
Rector’s Greetings
Welcome to this exclusive tour of the campus of Tech-
nische Universität Dresden (TUD) - the University of
Excellence in Saxony! In this brochure, we invite you
to explore the many facets of microelectronics at TUD
and give you a comprehensive overview of our excellent An outstanding example of how we transfer knowledge
research and teaching, as well as the development of to both industry and society is our unique partnership
technologies with high innovation potential. with TUDAG (TUD ltd. company) and its subsidiary, the
state-accredited Dresden International University (DIU).
As a globally oriented yet regionally anchored university Our active and dynamic cooperations ensure we provide
for the 21st century, TUD unites all aspects of micro- flexible and tailor-made education for the next genera-
electronics at an internationally competitive level in one tion of experts. We guide our international students
location, ranging from research on the latest materials, and staff through the complex process of educational,
energy-saving and reliable circuits, innovative forms of administrative and cultural onboarding via the creation
system aggregation, to AI-algorithms for optimal control. of a single service point.
It is based on our excellent research in virtually all areas During the past decades, we have become one of the
of engineering, outstanding materials research, and most important locations in Europe for the semicon-
pioneering findings in state-of-the-art communication ductor industry. As such, we will start this tour at the
technology that we successfully train highly skilled heart of Saxony’s technology landscape, showcasing
experts for the semiconductor industry in Dresden, our research on micro- and nanoelectronics as well as
Germany, Europe, and world-wide. our lighthouse projects. We hope we are able to spark
your interest for the research and innovative power
At TUD, we deliver excellent teaching through our inter- based at the University of Excellence, TUD.
national, interdisciplinary, research and practice-oriented
degree programs. The brightest students from across
the globe come to TUD specifically to obtain training in
Prof. Ursula M. Staudinger