Page 25 - Alumni Guide TU Dresden
P. 25

Alumni and Network

            Verein Deutscher Akademiker aus Ungarn e. V.

                                             TU Dresden has always had       The association regularly publishes
                                             Hungarian students. The double   alumni news, three times a year,
                                             cultural bond formed between the   with articles in Hungarian and
                                             alumni during their four to five   German. To mark the association’s
                                             years of study lasts a lifetime. The   tenth anniversary, there was a
                                             most active among them founded   commemorative edition with
                                             the Association of German Aca-  biographies, anecdotes and photos
                                             demics from Hungary (DU) in 1994.   of the alumni.
                                             It is committed to Hungarian
                                             alumni from all German universi-   These activities are complemented
                                             ties; however, many members of   by events, excursions, children’s
                                             the association have their academic   programs and gatherings organized
                                             roots at TU Dresden.            by groups of friends in a particular
                                                                             region or by a particular year of
                                             The association is committed to   alumni.
                                             maintaining contact between its
                                             members and also wants to help   The association currently has
                                             deepen German-Hungarian         around 1,200 members, more than
                                             relations. An important part of the   half of whom studied in Dresden.
                                             DU program is the annual confer-  TUD alumni can be found on both
                                             ence, in which topics from the field   the association’s board and the
                                             of business and culture are     supervisory board.
                                             discussed - usually from a special
            Tamas Bornemissza has been running   German-Hungarian-Euro- pean   Association head, Tamas Bor-
            the DU for a number of years.    perspective. It deals with topics   nemissza, is looking forward to
                                             such as 1,100 years of German-Hun-   welcoming new members from all
                                             garian relations, bilingualism,   age groups: “Especially newly
                                             Germans and Hungarians, seen    graduated or current students who
                                             through the eyes of their neighbors   are still living in Germany. What
                                             or patriotism in the EU.        connects us? We communicate with
                                                                             one another and understand each
                                             The cultivation of German student   other with half-German-half-Hun-
                                             traditions at Kinderfasching and   garian words,” he says.
                                             Oktoberfest are among the associ-
                                             ation’s most popular activities.                  Susann Mayer

                                                                             Verein Deutscher Akademiker aus
                                                                             Ungarn e. V.
                                                                             (Hungarian Német-diplomások

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