Page 28 - Alumni Guide TU Dresden
P. 28
DRESDEN-concept −
Science and Innovation Campus
DRESDEN-concept is the excellent research alliance of
TU Dresden with local non-university research and cultural
In 2010, TU Dresden joined forces The association structure and the The DRESDEN-concept board sees
with 14 partners from science and various events support the further itself as a strategy committee for
culture to form the DRESDEN-con- development of DRESDEN-concept Dresden as a science location.
cept e. V. association. This was a into an internationally visible Leading scientists from the
complete success: DRESDEN-con- Science and Innovation Campus: research and cultural institutions
cept proved to be a significant meet regularly to discuss key topics
factor in the federal and state The board of DRESDEN-concept e. and strategies and submit propos-
excellence competitions, in which V. defines the strategy for the als to the Executive Board.
TU Dresden was able to gain the further development of the alliance. In the Administrative and Infra-
excellence title in 2012 and defend The association’s board consists of structure Committee (AIC), the
it again in 2019. The association the Rector (chairperson) and the commercial directors coordinate
now comprises 37 member Chancellor of TU Dresden, as well the infrastructural and administra-
institutions, including TU Dresden, as five elected senior members of tive cooperation of their institu-
local institutions of the Max Planck the non-university DRESDEN-con- tions, implement the resolutions of
Society, the Leibniz Association, the cept member institutions. the Executive Board and the
Helmholtz Association and the General Assembly and support the
Fraunhofer Society as well as further development of the alliance.
renowned, research-active cultural
The partners cooperate closely with
each other and make the best
possible use of synergies in
research and teaching as well as in
infrastructure and administration.
Examples of this include the
identification and coordination of
research priorities and the joint use
of infrastructures, as well as the
joint recruitment of talented
individuals and internationally-re-
nowned, top talent for Dresden as
a research location.
service shows which career
opportunities are currently on offer
in the DRESDEN-concept member
At the event "Forschungsgespräche@DHMD: Artificial Intelligence," Dresden scientists at
the Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden presented current research and fields of
research and application of artificial intelligence and engaged in discussions with the