Page 29 - Alumni Guide TU Dresden
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University and Campus

            The Scientific Area Committees   DRESDEN-concept offers these    The research data contact point at
            (SACs) represent the research    services                        TU Dresden and SLUB has been
            strengths of Dresden as a science                                strengthened by DRESDEN-concept
            location: SAC 1: Biomedicine and   At a glance, the DRESDEN-concept   with a member of staff to support
            Bioengineering; SAC 2: Information   job ticket demonstrates which   all DRESDEN-concept members in
            Technology and Microelectronics;   career opportunities are currently   implementing research data
            SAC 3: Materials and Structure; SAC   on offer in the research alliance.   management measures:
            4: Culture and Social Change. The   The vacancies include positions for
            SACs form the core of cross-insti-  both scientific and non-scientific   fer/services-fuer-forschende/
            tute scientific networking and serve   staff in the DRESDEN-concept   kontaktstelle-forschungsdaten
            to provide information and coordi-  member institutions:
            nation on joint research projects.   The Women@DDc Network was
                                                                             created in 2022 as a joint initiative
            With the Scientific Area Networks   The DRESDEN-concept Welcome   of the Unit 9.3 Diversity Manage-
            (SANs), DRESDEN-concept initiates   Center at TU Dresden provides   ment at TU Dresden, the Barkhau-
            research-oriented, interdisciplinary   comprehensive start-up support for   sen Institute and the DRESDEN-con-
            networking activities for research-  international scientists:    cept office. The goal: To better
            ers from all partner institutions.  network women scientists of all
            The objective is to highlight diverse                            status groups and science manag-
            scientific perspectives on selected   The DRESDEN Technology Portal   ers within the DRESDEN-concept
            research fields, to network and to   provides an overview of research   research network, all the while
            draw attention to the relevant   equipment, technology platforms   increasing their visibility.
            research expertise at the location.  and scientific services.
                                          Anne Michalk, Prof. Gerhard Rödel
            DRESDEN-concept is also keen to
            publicize the research conducted at   The DRESDEN Science Calendar
            the location and transfer know-  lists all scientific events in and
            ledge to society. “Research Talks@  around Dresden on a daily basis:
            Museum,” for example, which was
            launched in 2022, provides
            museums and research institutions   The DRESDEN-concept Genome
            in Dresden with the opportunity to   Center offers access to state-of-
            cooperate in communicating       the-art genome analysis methods
            current socially-relevant topics from   and procedures:
                                             The Biopolis Dresden Imaging    DRESDEN-concept e.V.
                                             Platform (BioDIP), a Dresden-wide   01062 Dresden
                                             network of light and electron   ✉  geschaeftsstelle
                                             microscopy sites, offers access to
                                             the latest imaging technologies:
                                                         @DRESDEN_concept

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