Page 16 - ILK Research Report 2020
P. 16
Doctorate Dr.-Ing. Roman Koschichow
On the design of fibre composite components under
Consideration of the variable fibre volume content
Supervising Professor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Maik Gude
The ever-increasing demands on manufactured thickness layer outlines Distribution
of the fvc
structural components in terms of default novel
resource-efficient handling of the method
materials and energy-efficient use
are leading to the increased use trailing edge
of high-performance materials front edge
with high lightweight engineering
potential, such as fibre-reinforced
The utilisation of the full perfor-
mance of this materials requires
the use of adapted development
process the use of suitable design
tools. Innovative methods for in-
creasing the achievable quality
of an FE analysis can contribute to significantly reducing deficiencies of existing approaches are specifically ad-
the development times of these components. However, dressed and remedied. In particular, the fibre volume
reliable modelling methods must be integrated into the content, which is the key parameter of every FRP com-
numerically structure analyses in order to achieve the ponent, plays a central role in the the method that has
desired comparability between virtual and behaviour of been developed.
composite components. Particularly for fibre reinforced
polymers (FRP) components with varying component thick- Using the example of an FRP turbine blade, it was possi-
nesses and complex geometry, relevant material-specific ble to show, that the consideration of the non-constant
parameters, such as fibre and matrix properties, local fibre distribution of the of the fibre volume content significantly
properties, local fibre volume content and compactness increases the quality of the results. By the physically justi-
of the textile semi-finished products cannot be neglected. fied assumption of the locally variable stiffness values in
The same applies to production-related factors in the pre- the structure under investigation, the percentage deviation
forming process, such as layer design, compaction and of an average of 12.7 % with a scatter of 3 % to only 5.2 %
fibre volume content change. Many of these parameters with a scatter of 0.63 % in relation to the experiment. The
influence each other and often interact. results of the numerical and experimental analyses im-
pressively show a significant improvement of the design
Within the scope of the work, a new method for the de- process of FRP components. With regard to the accuracy
sign of FRP components was developed, which includes and efficiency of numerically efficiency of numerically
the material-specific and manufacturing-technical aspects supported component analyses, this approach is of high
into the design process and thus specifically addresses practical relevance.