Page 18 - ILK Research Report 2020
P. 18

Doctorate Dr.-Ing. Oliver Weißenborn

               Development of a novel foam impregnation process

               for the manufacturing of textile-reinforced polyurethane
               based sandwich structures with complex geometry

               Supervising Professor:  Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Maik Gude

               The sandwich construction method with the separation   layers, methods in the framework of statistical design
               of the component cross-section into highly rigid and high   of experiments were applied and thus test specimens
               strength cover layers and a shear resistant core with low   manufactured following optimized production parame-
               density represents an established principle for the design   ters. Based on this, an experimental analysis of relevant
               of lightweight structures. Due to their high density-specific   material- and structural-specific mechanical parameters
               mechanical properties, continuous fibre-reinforced plas-  was conducted. The results built the input for the devel-
               tics in the outer layers and polymer foams in the core of   opment of suitable models, predicting the deformation
               the sandwich structure are of outstanding importance for   behaviour under bending and impact loads. The compre-
               cross-industry applications.                     hensive results were transferred into application-oriented
                                                                design guidelines for the design of sandwich composite
               Classical manufacturing processes for complex geome-  structures manufactured using the foam impregnation
               tries using thermoset matrix systems are usually based   technology. The high amount of material-specific degrees
               on multi-stage and thus discontinuous process steps,   of freedom, such as the resulting core layer density, the
               whereby the sandwich core and core layers are often   fibre type and the fibre mass content in the area of the
               manufactured separately from each other, partly manually   semi-finished reinforcements, offer a wide range of pos-
               and with separate moulds. In the present work, a novel   sibilities for designing tailor-made composite structures.
               manufacturing process based on foamable polyurethane
               is developed in which a simultaneous production of sand-  By implementing a prototypical demonstrator structure
               wich cover layers and core takes place. The scientific basis   with high geometric complexity, the developed models for
               for the foam impregnation process has been laid in com-  predicting the degree of impregnation in the cover layers
               prehensive process studies. In order to identify significant   were validated. At the same time, the high potential for
               parameters influencing the degree of impregnation and   cross-industry applications in the field of robust and com-
               the morphology of the textile-reinforced sandwich cover   plex shaped structural components can be demonstrated.

                                                                Prototypical demonstrator structure with complex geometry consisting
                                                                of foam impregnated textile-reinforced cover layers and polyurethane
               Schematic representation of the foam impregnation process  core layer

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