Page 20 - ILK Research Report 2020
P. 20

Doctorate Dr.-Ing. Maximilian Schadhauser

               Injection Molding with Continuous Fibre Feed –

               Method, Model Design and Model Validation

               Supervising Professor:  Prof. Dr.-Ing. Niels Modler

               Driven by cost pressures of international markets and an   fibres are directly fed into an injection-molding plasticizing
               upcoming urge to preserve limited resources, an increas-  unit. Due to this configuration, a preprocessing step uti-
               ing demand can be observed regarding new cost-efficient   lizing, e. g., a twin-screw extruder is no longer necessary.
               and sustainable methods for manufacturing long-fibre-re-  However, directly feeding continuous fibres into an injec-
               inforced thermoplastic parts. Such cost-efficient and   tion-molding plasticizing unit goes along with difficulties
               sustainable methods may relate to the concept of di-  regarding, i. a., fibre impregnation, fibre length structure
               rect-processing, which is characterized in that the formerly   and fibre-melt homogenization. To overcome these diffi-
               separate steps of compounding and molding are merged   culties, a variety of new measures and components has
               into one single processing step. As a result, a reduction of   been introduced.
               process-related costs and CO2 emissions may be achieved.
               Yet, on the other hand, process-related savings going   Core aspects of the present thesis relate to obtaining new
               along with direct-processing are commonly offset by ad-  knowledge about particular sub-processes associated
               ditional costs relating to a rather complex manufacturing   with the novel method. Specifically, issues regarding im-
               equipment. Hence, especially in the context of manufac-  pregnation, fibre cutting and homogenization have been
               turing low-mass plastic components, a balance between   investigated in line with the difficulties discussed above.
               process-related savings and additional equipment costs   Moreover, phenomena related to fibre-melt-conveying and
               may arise merely in cases in which equipment costs are   -processing have been analyzed (see fig.). The investiga-
               decreased to a reasonable level.                 tion includes a theoretical approach by means of model
                                                                design and simulation. The theoretical approach has been
               In the present thesis, a novel direct-processing method is   supplemented with experimental investigations so as to
               proposed. This method may be associated with low equip-  evaluate a validity thereof. Finally, the novel method has
               ment costs and can thus be utilized profitably even in man-  been compared to a conventional method for producing
               ufacturing low-mass plastic components. A characteristic   long-fibre-reinforced plastic components.
               feature of the novel method resides in that continuous

                Fibre conveying inside of an injection-molding plasticizing unit

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