Page 17 - Research Report 2021 - Institut für Leichtbau und Kunststofftechnik
P. 17

Partnerschaft mit Indien: Counsellor Science & Technology
            der indischen Botschaft zu Gast am ILK

            Tour of the ILK's experimental facilities: (from left to right)    Dr. Angelos Filippatos in conversation with Dr. Madhusudan
            Prof. Niels Modler, Maike Heitkamp-Mai, Dr. Madhusudan Reddy   Reddy Nandineni.
            Nandineni, Kaushik Ganesh Abhyankar and Dr. Angelos Filippatos.

            India – with almost 1.4 billion people the second most   In consideration of the constantly growing population,
            populous country and largest democracy in the world -   minimising the impact of human activity on the environ-
            has developed rapidly in recent decades. Therefore, India   ment is becoming a crucial issue. In particular, noise, air
            plays a key role in the fight against climate change, among   and water pollution as well as waste management have
            other things. Especially in the field of science and technol-  become one of the greatest global challenges. Managing
            ogy, there are long and intensive relations with Germany,   these tasks requires extensive transnational cooperation
            and also with the TU Dresden. Students from India are   between societies with their different stages of develop-
            among the largest groups of international students at TU   ment, linguistic diversity and cultural backgrounds, as well
            Dresden. There are active interdisciplinary collaborations   as their local problems and convictions. The DAAD pro-
            with several Indian universities and research institutions,   ject “Combating Enviromental Pollution throught Inter-
            and these cooperations shall be expanded in the future.  nalisation of Education” (COMPOLL) wants to achieve a
                                                             better understanding of the challenges, deficits and pos-
            On 20 August 2021, the Counsellor for Science & Tech-  sible solutions regarding environmental consciousness
            nology of the Indian Embassy in Germany: Dr. Madhusu-  in Germany and India. The application and cooperation
            dan Reddy Nandineni, was a guest at TU Dresden in order   partners are the ILK and the Indian Institute of Technol-
            to exchange views on current and future joint projects. In   ogy Delhi (IIT Delhi). The project intends to increase the
            this context, he was also welcomed at the ILK. During his   awareness of topics such as reducing plastic waste, re-
            visit, Dr. Reddy was introduced to the current research   cycling or sustainable design strategies and, against this
            as well as the international activities of the ILK and en-  background,  strengthen  the  partnership  between  TU
            joyed a tour of our test facilities. Dr. Reddy's visit to the   Dresden and India.
            Institute summed up the results of the Indo-German co-
            operation in the COMPOLL project and opened up new
            perspectives for our cooperation with Indian universities,
            companies and public institutions.

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