Page 13 - Research Report 2021 - Institut für Leichtbau und Kunststofftechnik
P. 13

professorships (Prof. Gude, Prof. Jäger, Prof. Modler) and
            the senior professorship (Prof. Hufenbach) – the Chair
            of Turbomachinery and Flight Propulsion (Prof. Mailach),
            the Chair of Thermal Power Machinery and Plants (Prof.
            Gampe), the Chair of Materials Technology (Prof. Leyens)
            and the Chair of Machine Elements (Prof. Schlecht) as
            well. The appointment acknowledges their work at the in-
            ternational level, in particular their long-standing collabo-
            rations with top-class British universities, such as the Uni-
            versity of Oxford or the Imperial College London, as well
            as with Nanyang Technology University (NTU) Singapore.

            National network with the Republic of Korea: In the
            category National Networks, the ILK was awarded with
            another lighthouse for its long-standing cooperation with                                © TUD/Spickenheuer
            Korea. The partnership network connects the TU Dres-  Contract signed in 2014 at Tongji University.
            den with the leading research institutions of the Republic
            of Korea. These include in particular the Korea Institute   Partnership with Tongji University: Already 2016, at
            of Materials Science (KIMS), the Korea Institute of Science   the 20th International Dresden Lightweight Engineer-
            and Technology (KIST) and Inha University Incheon. The   ing Symposium with the Republic of China as a partner-
            cooperation is characterized by joint events, student and   ship country, the then rector of TU Dresden, Prof. Dr.-
            scientist exchange as well as a strongly transfer-oriented   Ing. habil. Hans Müller-Steinhagen, described the ILK in
            research collaboration in the fields of development of   his opening speech as a “lighthouse in the local research
            carbon fibers, hybrid composites, lightweight engineer-  landscape” and emphasized the importance of the part-
            ing methods and methods of calculation and validation.  nership with China for interdisciplinary science. Perhaps
                                                             this was an omen that in 2021 the partnership with Tongji
                                                             University would also be honored as a shining example
                                                             of international networking in the category Partnerships.
                                                             The cooperation between one of the oldest and most re-
                                                             nowned universities in China and TU Dresden has been
                                                             in place since 1998. Tongji University occupies the top
                                                             positions in international rankings, particularly in the en-
                                                             gineering sciences. In 2014, TU Dresden signed an agree-
                                                             ment with Tongji University Shanghai and the associated
                                                             Chinese-German University College (CDHK), and since
                                                             2015, the universities have maintained the double de-
                                                             gree Master/Diplom “Post-Gradual Studies in Mechanical
                                                             Engineering”. In addition to the cooperation in teaching,
                                                             many further activities have arisen in the past 23 years,
            Saxon delegation in Korea, 2017 for the opening of the Korean-  joint research projects and publications, events and most
            German Material Center in Changwon.              recently, in November 2020, the DFG-funded “Sino-Ger-
                                                             man Symposium on Smart Compliant Mechanisms”.

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