Page 9 - Research Report 2021 - Institut für Leichtbau und Kunststofftechnik
P. 9
International scientific exchange on tailored carbon fibres
based on renewable raw materials
Impressions of the 2 International Colloquium on Tailored Carbon Fibres: Prof. Dr. Hubert Jäger opening the conference (left), Dr. Iris
Kruppke introducing the RCCF Saxony (centre) and Dr. Thomas Behnisch moderating the Young Scientist Session (right).
Carbon fibre research and in particular the development cellulose (Low cost carbon fibres from cellulosic precursors:
of carbon fibres from renewable raw materials is of major spinning and carbonization at pilot scale), Dr. Christoph Un-
industrial relevance. At most composites and textile con- terweger (Wood K+, Austria) discussed process optimi-
ferences, however, this field of research is only discussed sation of cellulose-based carbon fibres (Cellulose-Based
in passing with a few individual lectures. To fill this gap, Carbon Fibres: Process Optimization and Fibre Properties)
the ILK and the Institute of Textile Machinery and High and Dr. Nikals Garoff (Stora Enso, Sweden) spoke on the
Performance Material Technology (ITM) at the TU Dres- use of lignin from conifers for future carbon fibres (Car-
den organised the 1 Dresden International Colloquium on bon Fibre – What a Tree Can Do). At the conference, the
Tailored Carbon Fibres in 2018. highly complex mechanisms of structure formation dur-
ing fibre production and the cross-scale process param-
In 2021, the event format was taken up again and the sec- eter-structure-property relationships were specifically
ond international colloquium was organised with a focus addressed and discussed in an interdisciplinary manner.
on the development and production of property-adapted
carbon fibres. Due to the Covid-19-Sitution, the 2 Dres- The conclusion after two exciting conference days: Re-
den International Colloquium on Tailored Carbon Fibres search approaches for (further) optimising and increasing
took place in June in the form of a two-day digital con- the efficiency of the carbon fibre manufacturing process
ference. This time, the focus was on the topics “Carbon are being pursued with huge interest worldwide. The
fibres from renewable raw materials and process optimi- most important signal of the event: The common will
sation” and “Multifunctional carbon fibres”. These were to research for the development of multifunctional, but
each dealt with in a session. The conference was rounded above all sustainable carbon fibres.
off with a third session for young scientists (Young Scien-
tist Session), presenting numerous recently completed
or advanced doctoral theses in the field of carbon fibre Contact Dr.-Ing. Thomas Behnisch
research. A total of 50 participants represented leading +49 351 463 42503
international research institutions such as Korea Institute ✉
of Science and Technology (KIST) – South Korea, Georgia
Technical University (Georgia Tech) – USA, Carbon Nexus Organiser Institute of Textile Machinery and High
– Australia or Technological Center CANOE – France. Performance Material Technology (ITM)
and ILK of the TU Dresden
The production of carbon fibres from renewable, lignin-
or cellulose-based precursors requires modified process Funding Funded by
control in stabilisation, carbonisation, graphitisation and
surface functionalisation compared to the classic PAN- German Research Foundation
based starting materials. Not only the common interest in German Research Foundation (DFG)
the development of sustainable carbon fibres, but specif-
ically these interrelationships motivated three presented
talks in particular: Dr. Celia Mercader (CANOE, France) TU Dresden: Flexible funding line in the
discussed the production of low cost carbon fibres from “Internationalisation” funding programme