Page 18 - Research Report 2021 - Institut für Leichtbau und Kunststofftechnik
P. 18

With IIT Delhi against environmental pollution.

               COMPOLL Mini-Conference 2021

                                                                speakers from India and Germany shared their exper-
                                                                tise and experience. Dr. Patrícia Gallo (Centre for Inter-
                                                                national Postgraduate Studies of Environmental Manage-
                                                                ment, UNESCO CIPSEM) reported on organising online
                                                                trainings for environmental decision makers - good com-
                                                                munication and honesty are the roots of their successful
                                                                implementation. Dr. Lulu Zhang and Dr. Christina Fro-
                                                                emder (United Nations University Institute for Integrated
                                                                Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources, UNU-
                                                                FLORES) described the design of environmental educa-
                                                                tion curricula. Then Prof. Dr. Kathrin Harre (HTW Dresden
                                                                - University of Applied Sciences) spoke about microplas-
                                                                tics and her goal to integrate current research results into
               On 30 November and 1 December 2021, a mini-confer-  her teaching concepts. In the afternoon, invited speakers
               ence on “Online Learning Curriculum Design” was held as   from IIT Delhi shared their views: Prof. Dr. Mayank Kumar
               part of the DAAD-funded project for Indo-German Part-  spoke about didactics in the context of air pollution, Prof.
               nerships (DIP) COMPOLL. The aim of this event, organised   Dr. Bahni Ray focused on techniques to combat air pol-
               by the ILK together with the IIT Delhi, was the exchange of   lution and finally Prof. Dr. Ashish Darpe discussed a con-

               expert knowledge on environmental pollution, especially   crete example, namely the IGI airport in New Delhi and
               in the context of online teaching and curriculum design.   the noise pollution that occurs there.
               About 30 guests attended the sessions, participated in
               workshops and discussed concrete ideas for the future   On the second day, the focus was on workshops and ac-
               realisation of the cooperation between the two institutes   tual realisation of the COMPOLL cooperation between In-

               or universities and for strengthening the existing part-  dia and Germany. The first workshop dealt with the spe-
               nership between Germany and India. In the foreground   cifics of online learning formats compared to face-to-face

               – the COMPOLL topic: How can interdisciplinary and in-  teaching and suggested e-teaching formats for the joint
               ternational cooperation overcome the problems of envi-  programmes of IIT Delhi and ILK while discussing suitable
               ronmental pollution as well as waste management? The   tools and didactic approaches. In the second workshop,
               existing network between the leading Indian research   the participants discussed the possibility of integrating
               institutions and the TU Dresden will be used here to in-  IIT Delhi's research activities on environmental pollution
               crease environmental consciousness: How can we inte-  into the curricula, expanding the cooperation between
               grate environmental awareness into the curriculum? How   IIT Delhi and ILK, and the possibility of a cooperatively
               can we realise joint study programmes of India and Ger-  organised event on air and noise pollution.
               many? What does online teaching of the future look like?
               These and other questions were the focus of the COM-  At the mini-conference, ideas on curriculum design, tools
               POLL mini-conference.                            and didactics, topics for international education in envi-
                                                                ronmentally conscious engineering as well as research
               The two-day mini-conference opened with two keynote   on environmental protection in teaching formats and
               speeches. Dr. Madhusudan Reddy Nandineni from the   knowledge transfer were developed and will be included
               Indian Embassy in Berlin spoke about the new Indian ed-  in the next steps of the COMPOLL project. The topics of
               ucation policy (NEP-2020). With the aim of developing a   environmental responsibility, recycling and waste man-

               new higher education system with quality education, fair-  agement are to be added to the teaching profiles of both
               ness and inclusion, the NEP-2020 is particularly support-  universities. Therefore, the preparation of academic staff
               ive of internationalisation activities. Shikha Sinha from the   for the implementation of teaching using new forms of
               DAAD office in New Delhi presented cooperation projects   teaching (e-learning) as well as openness to the inter-

               between India and Germany and spoke about the role   nationalisation of academic life and work is essential.

               of the DAAD in future activities in the field of digitalisa-  The COMPOLL mini-conference provided concrete ap-
               tion. After these inspiring opening speeches, other invited   proaches for the realisation.

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