Page 83 - Research Report 2021 - Institut für Leichtbau und Kunststofftechnik
P. 83

Reply of a student (7th semester)

            The sudden changeover from face-to-face to digital
 Teaching in pandemic times:   teaching in the summer semester of 2020 posed great
            challenges for teachers, but certainly also for students.
 Digital versus on-site?  How did you perceive the changes at that time? And
            how are you coping after almost 4 semesters without
            continuous face-to-face teaching?

            In the fi rst Corona Wave 2020 – still started at the kitchen
            table – we have settled quite well into studying from home
            over the last four semesters. Commitment and fl exibility are
            the key qualities required of students and lecturers. However,
            if both groups brought these skills with them, good teaching     © Crispin-Iven Mokry
            took place despite all adversities.
                                                             What alternative teaching formats did your lecturers
            What do you miss most? Do you think there is actually a   use? Which of them do you consider particularly useful?
            need for face-to-face lectures in order to get the study
            content across well?                             In digital teaching, a clear, well-structured course calendar at
                                                             the beginning of the semester is worth its weight in gold. This

            Lectures that have been well adapted to the digital format   is the most effective way to design the curriculum for studying

            over the last four semesters should not be forced back into   from home. In teaching itself, good lecture videos are suffi-
            the classroom. Clear explanatory videos supplemented by   cient if they are supplemented by consultations. For tutorials,
            regular consultations can certainly keep up with earlier face-  much depends on the complexity and degree of freedom of
            to-face formats, if they do not even surpass them in some   the task. Simple calculations can be taught well with a video
            cases.                                           or a detailed solution via PDF. Using simulation software, on
                                                             the other hand, requires a live event.
            Which  changes  were  particularly  serious  for  you?
            Which would you describe as advantageous?        Would you like to see some of the alternative formats
                                                             also used in regular teaching? Which formats do you
            A suitable workspace at home is a basic prerequisite for digi-  consider suitable for this?
            tal teaching. Without it, no learning success is possible. How-
            ever, setting it up costs time, space and money. Once the   Questions  tend  to  be  better  formulated  after  you  have
            set-up is in place and you have found your personal way of   thought about the lecture material. In the lecture hall, it was
            acquiring knowledge in digital teaching, you can defi nitely   sometimes difficult to take notes, think and then formulate

            draw advantages from it. For example, commuting times are   a suitable question simultaneously, which often resulted in
            eliminated. Also freer time management and repetitive learn-  the question “Do you have any questions?” being answered
            ing with recorded lectures are possible.         by the sound of crickets only. Lecture videos supplemented
                                                             by consultations can really be an improvement on this point.

            Have you attended hybrid lectures, if offered in your
            degree programme? What, if anything, has prevented   How important is personal contact (in face-to-face
            you from doing so?                               events) with teachers for you? Can social networks,
                                                             e-mail, video conferences, etc. well or even fully substi-
            There was offer of hybrid lectures in my degree programme   tute this? Were your lecturers always available for you?

            in 2021. At the beginning of the semester, I was very happy   What means of communication, if any, did you use?
            to be allowed to sit in the lecture hall with fellow students
            again. However, as the semester progressed, this turned out   For communicating technical questions, e-mail and video-
            to be a rather unplannable pleasure. Illnesses, quarantine   conferences are suitable tools and have proven their worth.
            or the compulsory stop around Christmas made continuous   With questions that are more complex and require calcula-

            participation on site difficult. Therefore, parallel videos of the   tions or sketches, it was a more difficult task. It is sometimes

            classroom events or lecture videos from previous semesters   hard to formulate the question so clearly that it can be un-
            proved to be important learning tools when another Corona   derstood without three follow-up e-mails. This is then a con-
            wave intervened.                                 siderably time-consuming matter.

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