Page 102 - ITM Jahresbericht 2021
P. 102

Jahresbericht 2021

               2nd International Colloquium on Tailored Carbon Fibers -   Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Chokri Cherif - RCCF TU Dresden
               „Blick hinter die Kulissen“
               Alle beschäftigen sich mit wissenschaftlichen The-  2021, the 2nd International Colloquium on Tailored Car-
               menstellungen entlang der gesamten Herstellungs-   bon Fibers took place from 9 to 10 June as a two-day
               und Prozesskette der Kohlenstofffasern, sodass ein   digital conference. The main topics were ‘Carbon Fibers
               gegenseitiges, tiefgreifendes Verständnis gewonnen   from Renewable Resources and Process Optimization’
               werden konnte. Besonderer Schwerpunkt lag beim   and ‘Multifunctional Carbon Fibers’. These sessions were
               2nd International Colloquium on Tailored Carbon   completed by the presentation of advanced dissertati-
               Fibres auf Carbon Fibers from Renewable Resources,   on topics and recently graduated doctorates in a ‘Young
               wobei cellulosisch basierte Precursor und daraus   Scientist Session’. The colloquium was attended by 50
               resultierende Kohlenstofffasern mit drei Vorträgen   participants from leading international research insti-
               von Frau Dr. Celia Mercader, Herrn Dr. Christoph   tutions. The speakers came from the fields of chemistry,
               Unterweger und Herrn Dr. Nikals Garoff im beson-  physics, materials science, materials and process engi-
               deren Fokus standen. Diese neuen Precursortypen   neering as well as lightweight construction and textile
               erfordern eine deutlich andere Prozessführung in   technology, belonging for example to the Korea Institute
               der Herstellung von Kohlenstofffasern bei der Sta-  of Science and Technology (KIST, South Korea), the Geor-
               bilisierung,  Carbonisierung,  Graphitisierung  und   gia Institute of Technology (USA), Carbon Nexus (Austra-
               Oberflächenfunktionalisierung,  weshalb  die  hoch-  lia) and Technological Center CANOE (France).
               komplexen Mechanismen der Strukturbildung bei
               der Faserherstellung und die skalenübergreifenden   All of them deal with scientific topics along the entire
               Prozessparameter-Struktur-Eigenschafts-Beziehun-  production and process chain of carbon fibers, so that
               gen gezielt thematisiert und interdisziplinär disku-  a mutual, profound understanding could be gained. At
               tiert wurden.                                   the 2nd Dresden International Colloquium on Tailored
                                                               Carbon Fibers, special emphasis was placed on carbon
                                                               fibers from renewable resources, with cellulose-based
                  Mit besonderem Dank an die DFG und die       precursors and the resulting carbon fibers being the
                 TU Dresden sowie an alle Vortragenden und     focus of three presentations by Dr Celia Mercader, Dr
                 alle Zuhörer:innen sehen wir erwartungs-      Christoph Unterweger and Dr Nikals Garoff. These new
                  voll dem 3rd International Colloquium on     precursor types require a significantly different process
                 Tailored Carbon Fibers entgegen.              control in the production of carbon fibers during stabili-
                                                               zation, carbonization, graphitization and surface func-
                                                               tionalization, which is why the highly complex mecha-
                                                               nisms of structure formation during fiber production
                                                               and the cross-scale process parameter-structure-pro-
                                                               perty relationships were specifically discussed on an
                                                               interdisciplinary basis.

                                                                  With special thanks to DFG and TU Dresden as
                                                                  well as to all speakers and all audience mem-
                                                                  bers, we look forward to the 3rd International
                                                                  Colloquium on Tailored Carbon Fibers.

                                                               (Autorin: Dr.-Ing. Iris Kruppke)

               Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Böhm - HTWK Leipzig

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