Page 22 - TU Dresden Sustainability Strategy 2023-2030
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TU Dresden –
Sustainability Strategy
The greatest global challenges of our time are anthropogenic climate change and the
progressive loss of biological diversity. Environmental pollution has a considerable impact
on society and causes high costs. These costs manifest themselves, for example, in
environmental damage to health and materials, crop failures, or damage to ecosystems. The
resulting devastating dangers also threaten the existence of human life and economic activity,
and are therefore also a trigger for global migration movements.
Only the responsible use of available resources and the sustainable development of our
society can safeguard the livelihoods of present and future generations. The guidelines for
this development process are described in the 2030 Agenda and the associated Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. TU Dresden is explicitly addressing both the
synergies and the conflicting goals in achieving this at institutional, regional, and global levels.
Any ambitious action, including that of TU Dresden, has a positive impact on society by
helping to limit climate change and damage to ecosystems and reduce the associated costs.
TU Dresden has set itself the goal of making innovative contributions to solving global
challenges. In research and teaching, it directly addresses these challenges, such as climate
change and the use of natural resources. Environmental and climate protection, as well as
ecological sustainability, are therefore of great importance at TU Dresden. The university
community assumes social responsibility for a sustainable transformation of mankind’s
relationship with nature. Locally based and globally oriented, TU Dresden aims to become an
excellent role model as an ecologically responsible and sustainable institution.