Page 33 - TU Dresden - Wissen fürs Leben / Knowledge for Life
P. 33
Jürgen Frey (l.) hat an der TU Dresden studiert.
Nun lehrt er selbst: Luftfahrzeug-Aerodynamik. 31
Praktika am Niedriggeschwindigkeitswindkanal, die
er und David Nölle durchführen, gehören dazu.
he teaches Aircraft Aerodynamics. He collab orates
low-speed wind tunnel.
Keeping your eye on the prize learns how disruptive technologies work. In any case,
The sheer speed at which knowledge is progressing subjects in areas of science and academia that are
makes it crucial to consolidate and update specialist essential for the future are growing hand-in-hand,
expertise beyond university. Especially in education. as seen in environmental protection, climate change
To this end, TU Dresden offers professional advanced and the energy transition. Professors and lecturers
training and continuing education courses in addition are acutely aware of this. A subject such as Energy
to degree programs in teacher training. TU Dresden has Economics – taught by Prof. Dominik Möst – couldn’t
established the Dresden International University (DIU), a possibly just focus on business administration with only
commercial spin-off for continuing education that enables a subtle reference to energy. Technology in the energy
study with direct ties to the labor market and topics sector is changing far too dramatically. Evaluating energy
relevant for our global society – such as digital ization. And value chains requires detailed knowledge of hydrogen
those with a thirst for the latest research findings in the technology, Power-to-X and sector coupling.
natural and social sciences are welcome to take advantage
of the courses taught at the Citizens’ University and Senior Sticking around to teach
Academy. Sometimes, the student becomes the teacher – as is
the case at TU Dresden. Jürgen Frey is a prime example.
Growing hand-in-hand Having initially studied Mechanical Engineering followed
No engineering student will leave the university without by Aerospace Engineering, he knows exactly what
having learned something about research ethics and obstacles students have to overcome to properly model
technology assessment. Anyone who studies psychology the aerodynamic behavior of aircraft components.