Page 21 - TU Dresden - Wissen fürs Leben / Knowledge for Life
P. 21
Demokratie muss
in jeder Generation
neu erarbeitet werden.
Wir erforschen die
Lern prozesse, die dazu
nötig sind.«
“Each generation must
build democracy anew.
We are exploring the
learning processes Anja Besand
that make this possible.”
Anja Besand
»The Principle of Disruption«: Die von Prof. Lars Koch
geleitete Forschungsgruppe untersucht, wie sich
die mediale Kommunikation zu plötzlichen
Großereignissen auf das Zusammenleben auswirkt. 19
led byProf.LarsKochanalyzeshowmedia
social coexistence.
Die Literaturwissenschaftlerin Prof. Marina Münkler on artificial tissues and molecular bioengineering, at such as education, psychology, sociology, culture and
untersucht vor kulturhistorischem Hintergrund identi- the intersection of biology and engineering. They are spatial development with nature and technology.
tätsstiftende und -spaltende Gesellschaftserzählungen. conducting research on stem cells and developing TU Dresden has become particularly renowned for
Von hier aus ist es nicht weit zur Forschung von Prof. biosensors. Researchers in neurology and psychology its research into societal change.
Anja Besand: Wie kann man die Menschen heute mit want to decipher the basic mechanisms of human The literary scholar Prof. Marina Münkler uses a cultural
Argumenten erreichen? Angesichts sozialer Netzwerke behavior. They want to understand how these mechanisms and historical approach to examine societal narratives
und der von ihnen befeuerten Polarisierung der Gesell- change with age. A society with an increasingly aging that create or divide identity. Prof. Anja Besand’s research
schaft ist das hochaktuell. Einem speziellen Aspekt population is desperately in need of this knowledge. is closely related to this, focusing on how we can use
des sozialen Miteinanders ist die Forschungsgruppe The research results are put straight into practice at the well-founded arguments to reach individuals in this day
»The Principle of Disruption« des European Research Carl Gustav Carus Faculty of Medicine and the University and age. In light of social networks and the polarization
Council (ERC) gewidmet, die Prof. Lars Koch leitet. Sie Hospital. Dresden University Medicine alongside the of society that they fuel, this issue is highly topical.
untersucht, wie disruptive Großereignisse und deren German Cancer Research Center and the Helmholtz- The European Research Council (ERC) research group
Kommunikation den Gefühlshaushalt der Gesellschaft Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf jointly operate the “The Principle of Disruption,” headed by Prof. Lars Koch,
beeinflussen: Havarien, Terror, Pandemien – und neue Wie wollen wir künftig über politische National Center for Tumor Diseases Dresden – one of is dedicated to a particular aspect of social interaction.
Technologien. Dem Thema Disruption widmet sich und soziale Herausforderungen streiten? the best facilities of its kind in Germany. The group analyzes how large-scale disruptive events –
Wo sind die Grenzen des Dialogs?
auch ein interdisziplinärer Projektverbund unter dem Dazu forscht Anja Besand, Professorin für from natural and human-caused disasters, terrorism and
Namen »Disruption and Societal Change« (TUDiSC). Didaktik der politischen Bildung. Change comes from within pandemics to new technologies – and the associated
How do we want to debate political and The Research Priority Area “Culture and Societal Change” communication affect a society’s emotional balance.
social challenges in the future? What are the limits takes the human and cultural factor into direct focus. Disruption is also the subject of the interdisciplinary
of dialog? Anja Besand, Chair of Didactics This interdisciplinary area combines fields of knowledge project alliance “Disruption and Societal Change” (TUDiSC).
ofCivicEducation,is seekinganswers.